J-Paul Narkunas. (2020). Trickle-Down Managerialism: Accountable Faculty in the Financialized University of Managers. Journal of Academic Freedom, volume 11.
From the abstract: “Trickle-down economics offers the promise that wealth will eventually flow to all sectors of society. I argue that rather than wealth, managerial processes and actuarial practices driven by finance and by big data firms have been trickling down and reorganizing higher education—what I call “trickle-down managerialism…..”
When we asked Paul if we might share his Trickle-Down article, he suggested we also consider sharing a piece created by Wavy the Bear, Kingsborough Community College Senior Stuffed Brand Ambassador. And here it is:
Wavy the Bear. (2020). Afterword: Can the managerial technique speak? Journal of Academic Freedom, volume 11.