Category Archives: From the Chairs

Messages from the chapter chairs to the chapter members

From the Chairs, 22 June 2021

Colleagues —    Despite the fact that summer is, and should be, annual leave for many of us, events affecting the college and our collective well-being don’t have the summer off.  We supply some details on matters of concern to you in what follows.

This Thursday — June 24th — CUNY Rising Alliance is holding a rally at City Hall at 2 PM. As you know, the Mayor proposed cuts of $67 million to the NYC budget for CUNY. The PSC and coalition partners in CUNY Rising will be there to push for full restorations and investment in city services, including CUNY, instead. We hope you will come out with us to support our students and community allies in support of funding for CUNY.  RSVP here:

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Reopening issues – 10th May 2021

The abrupt and ill-advised decision of the Chancellor that all CUNY colleges adopt a 60/40% in-person section model for the Fall ’21 semester has, suddenly yet predictably, overthrown months’ worth of planning work by PSC-represented faculty and staff, as well as administrators, throughout the university.  At John Jay, the deliberation and work of many at all levels of the college has been disrupted by the Chancellor’s fiat and further entrenched a leadership style predicated on top-down diktat.  The chancellor makes high-handed decisions based on the governor’s whims, and the staff, faculty, and administrators at the colleges are left to pick up the pieces to assure safe reopening!

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Open letter on spring semester to Provost Li and President Mason, 24 January 2021.

Colleagues —    Below find a copy of a letter we sent earlier this afternoon to President Karol Mason and Provost Yi Li concerning the pandemic, its effects on our community, and the urgency of assuring course availability for our students this Spring semester. In light of the serious harm that can result from maintaining the minimum enrollment requirements, especially for online classes, we call for easing these restrictions at this critical moment for our college and our students. Please take a minute to read through the letter. 
If you agree with the thrust of the letter and what we are asking of the John Jay administration, please take a minute to forward it —or cut & paste— with any comments you think appropriate to President Mason ( and Provost Li (  If you do so, please copy us at  Thank you for participating in this effort.
Open Letter on Spring Semester

From the Chairs: Moment of truth

Dear Colleagues,
If you haven’t voted already, please make sure you vote for the Biden/ Harris ticket on the Working Families Party (WFP) line (row D in NYS).  The WFP is a grass-roots, ‘fusion’ party that aims to run progressive candidates for local office AND push the Democratic Party to the left by mobilizing support for a progressive, pro-labor electoral agenda while helping to defeat the most reactionary political forces. The WFP — because of recent attempts in Albany to kill it — must mobilize a significant showing in tomorrow’s general election to retain its ballot status.  Your vote for Biden/Harris on the WFP line will count as a vote to ‘dump Trump’ while also strengthening the prospects for independent progressive politics in New York State.  

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